A smiling student in a white shirt and tie sits in a classroom, holding a pencil, with other students working in the background. The image represents the United States Academic Pentathlon (USAP) experience.


United States Academic Pentathlon

Welcome Letter

Academic Pentathlon will allow you, as a middle school student, a chance to start experiencing the benefits of Academic Decathlon before entering high school.

Academic Pentathlon isn’t about demonstrating how good a student you already are. It’s about daring to push your limits. It’s about the people you’ll meet along the way—the coaches who will mentor you, the competitors who will challenge you, and the teammates who will become your lifelong friends.

As Pentathletes you’ll learn an exciting new theme each year, themes like World War II, India, and New Alternatives in Energy: Ingenuity and Innovation. You’ll then master five subjects connected to that theme. You’ll never do any of this alone, you’ll be working with a team—a team composed of students with a wide range of grades but a single shared goal.

You should join Academic Pentathlon not because that goal will be easy to achieve, but because it will be hard. You and your teammates may study more than you ever have before, not knowing whether you will take home ten medals each—or none at all.

I invite you to become part of a program that you may think is over your head, until you realize you can reach higher as a team. I invite you to struggle and I invite you to learn—not just to read, but to understand; not just to win, but to lead.

Dr. Les Martisko

What is the United States Academic Pentathlon?

The United States Academic Pentathlon (USAP) is a dynamic five-event competition designed for middle school students. It mirrors the Academic Decathlon in providing a comprehensive learning experience through five academic events based on a unique theme each year.

2024-25 Theme: Our Changing Climate

  • Science: The science topic will be an introduction to environmental science.
  • Literature: The literature curriculum will include critical reading, one long work of literature, and selected shorter works. The 2024–2025 novel is Melt by Ele Fountain, ISBN-10: 1782692886.
  • Fine Arts:The fine arts curriculum is a combination of art and music. The guide will offer an introduction to environmental and environmentalist art and music in the natural world.
  • Social Science:The social science topic will be climate change in the past and present.
  • Mathematics:The mathematics curriculum will provide an overview of permutations, combinations, algebra and statistics.

Competition Format and Standards: Participants do not master a single subject but several subject areas. Students engage in both individual and team competitions, mastering themes developed according to national content standards. Prior to the regional, state and national competitions, an essay will be written and will become 40% of the student's Literature grade. The Essay will demonstrate not just what you’ve learned but how powerfully you can present an idea. All events follow the same format, whether it is an online competition or an on-site competition.

Testing and Participation: Pentathlon testing is conducted online, allowing students to participate from their respective schools. Notably, the National competition is an exception where tests are conducted in person. USAP provides login information and testing directions a few days before the online assessments, including Scrimmage, Regional, and State competitions. In terms of team composition, Academic Pentathlon teams should ideally consist of a minimum of six and a maximum of nine team members. Team scores are determined by summing the top two student scores in each GPA category, adhering to GPA guidelines. The pinnacle of achievement is a perfect team score of 30,000 points, calculated by considering the scores of six students participating in five events, each with a maximum of 1000 points. Your school can have a team, or students may compete as individuals. (Team Registration and Individual Registration)

Recognition: Following the state meet, trophies will be awarded to the top teams, plus medals to individual event winners. All state competition champions will be invited to the U.S. Academic Pentathlon® National Competition. All test questions will be derived from the USAP curriculum.

Latest Pentathlon News - Get Ready!

The featured novel for 2024-25 is Melt by Ele Fountain, ISBN-10: 1782692886.

We are also happy to introduce two additional products: the Pentathlon Novel Chapter Quizzes and the Pentathlon Super Quiz Relay PowerPoint tests. Both will be available for $45.00. We trust that both resources will prove invaluable as you prepare your teams for the upcoming year.

 - Math, Science, History, English, Language Arts, and Foreign Language. 

Competition Information - Get Set!

Registration Information - PLEASE READ!
Prior to Nationals, pentathlon testing is conducted online, allowing students to take the tests at their respective schools. USAP will send you login information and testing directions a few days prior to the testing date for online assessments, including the Practice Competition, Regionals, and State levels. USAP Nationals is an in-person event, where qualifying participants can meet fellow Pentathletes from around the country and compete together. Please see below for deadlines and testing dates.

In terms of team composition, Academic Pentathlon teams should ideally consist of a minimum of six and a maximum of nine team members. Team scores are determined by summing the top two student scores in each GPA category, adhering to GPA guidelines. The pinnacle of achievement is a perfect team score of 30,000 points, calculated by considering the scores of six students participating in five events, each with a maximum of 1000 points.

Your school can have a team, or students may compete as individuals. (Team Registration and Individual Registration)

The following testing events and times for the Practice Competition, Regional, and State tests:

Subject Description
Literature Includes writing a short essay and a multiple-choice test, maximum possible score 1000 points
  - Essay:Maximum possible score 400 points (40 minutes)
  - Test: 30 questions, 20 points each (20 minutes)
Mathematics 35 problems, 28.57 points each (30 minutes)
Science 50 questions, 20 points each (30 minutes)
Social Science 50 questions, 20 points each (30 minutes)
Fine Arts 50 questions, 20 points each (25 minutes)

A student’s maximum possible score is 5000 points (5 events x 1000 points).

Nationals Information - Go!

San Antonio, Texas May 15-17 2025

Pentathlon Nationals 2025 test time and question totals.
Add 5 test items (passage-based) to the Literature test.
Reduce the test administration time by 5 minutes for the Social Science and Fine Arts tests (from 30 minutes to 25 minutes).

Subject Description
Fine Arts 50 question multiple-choice test (25 minutes)
Literature 35 question multiple-choice test (20 minutes)
Mathematics 35 question multiple-choice test (30 minutes)
Science 50 question multiple-choice test (30 minutes)
Social Science 50 question multiple-choice test (25 minutes)

  • The featured novel for 2024-25 is Melt by Ele Fountain, ISBN-10: 1782692886.

  • We are also happy to introduce two additional products: the Pentathlon Novel Chapter Quizzes and the Pentathlon Super Quiz Relay PowerPoint tests. Both will be available for $45.00. We trust that both resources will prove invaluable as you prepare your teams for the upcoming year.

  • 2024-2025 ACCEPTED COURSES for GPA CALCULATION are Math, Science, History, English, Language Arts, and Foreign Language. 

Curriculum and Practice Test Updates

Coaches: Complete steps 1–6 to register and finalize your team’s participation in the 2024 USAP Nationals.

Step 1: Read the Welcome Letter for specific information on registration, fees, testing dates, paperwork deadlines, etc.

Step 2: Complete the 2024 USAP Nationals Registration Form with all applicable information.

Step 3: Complete your team or individual roster using the applicable document and email to pentathlon@usad.org. This spreadsheet includes the name pronunciation form.

Team Registration Form
Individual Registration Form
Due: April 11

Step 4: Complete and upload all student paperwork to the school’s designated team Google folder. Coaches will be added to their folder after completion of step 2.
Due: April 24 

Please compile forms for each student and upload to your team Google folder.

  • Registration Fee payable to USAD

  • Student Transcripts/Report Cards

  • GPA Calculations

  • Student Registration & Parent Permission Form*(Required: Read the Student Code of Conduct/Dress Code)

  • Team Photo

  • Modifications and Accommodations Form (if applicable)

Step 5: Submit registration fee to USAD. If you would like to pay your participation fee via credit card, please contact USAD at 712-326-9589. If your school requires an invoice for payment click here
Due: April 24

Please refer to the National Online Technical Information prior to the online essay.

Step 6: Reserve rooms at the host hotel (required):

San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk

889 East Market Street, San Antonio, TX, 78205, US

Telephone: +1 210-224-4555

General Information:
2024 Competition Schedule (Tentative)
Objective testing Layout
Super Quiz Layout
Extras Form (please complete for additional coaches, parents and other guests)
General Rules
Resort Map
Twin Teams

​Testing and Awards Information:
About the Clicker
Appeals Procedure
Arena Testing Clicker Tutorial
Awards Program
Awards Seating Chart
Awards Distribution
Explanation of Scoring
Testing Summary

Coaches: Complete steps 1–5 to register and finalize your team’s participation in the 2024 USAP Online Nationals.

Step 1:
 Read the Welcome Letter for specific information on registration, fees, testing dates, paperwork deadlines, etc.

Step 2: Complete the 2024 USAP Nationals Online Registration Form with all applicable information.

Step 3: Complete your team or individual roster using the applicable document and email to pentathlon@usad.org. This spreadsheet includes the name pronunciation form.
Due: April 11

Team Registration Form
Individual Registration Form

Step 4: Complete and upload all student paperwork to the school’s designated team Google folder. Coaches will be added to their folder after completion of step 1.
Due: April 24 
Please compile forms for each student and upload to your team Google folder.

Step 5: Submit registration fee to USAD. If you would like to pay your participation fee via credit card, please contact USAD at 712-326-9589. If your school requires an invoice for payment click here
Due: April 11 
Please refer to the National Online Technical Information prior to the online essay.
General Information:
General Rules
State Scores
​Testing and Awards Information:
Appeals Procedure
Testing Summary

Online Competition Schedule